Thursday 8 November 2012

Visualize and See Yourself in a Happy Contented Place

In 2010 I made Myself a Vision Book, My version of a Vision Board (in short: a vision board is like your own personal road map to your goals and dreams.  You cut pictures out of magazines of your goals and dreams glue or tape them on poster board stick it up in a place where you can look at it daily and start heading towards your destination for a better you. For more info on vision boards you can go to Google or YouTube) and just the other day I looked inside of it, my vision book and I was so amazed!! Because so many of my goals and Dreams had come into reality in just 2 short years! For real, For real!! 
I cut out pictures and words of what I wanted,,,
In the Beginning of my book are the Words: "My Life in Ten years or Less" and I cut pictures of  engagement rings, a bride and groom, healthy food fruits vegetable  juicing, picture of someone meditating, saving money tips, etc. ect... and I am so pleased and again, amazed at how so many of my dreams and goals either have been accomplished or in the process of being accomplished!

See Visualization is very real because the Heart is very real and 10 times out of 10! if you truly set your heart on something it will Happen!! 
So Start right Now!  Focus on what you want, think deeply about what will really help get you on your road to happiness and contentment, and start heading down that road :)

Peace & Precious Love 
Springflower <3

Sunday 4 November 2012

Just Let Go and Let Peace

You know many times we hear the quote:
 "When you Let go of the past something Better comes along" and  I am here to tell you that this is true, but not in the way you may think.
 See; yes something better does come along, but what happens with most people is, they look for that better in the form of something external, like a new boyfriend or girlfriend, or a new car or house, or just something that may have happen to us something we may have lost in the past that we just can't seem to get over, because we are just so hurt, we carry around this pain and regret like a torture stake refusing to put it down.  Sometimes we may even think we put it down, but we really didn't because the minute something goes wrong in our life we revert back to that same hurt and pain we have been carrying around.

Now with all that said; I just want to tell you; If you truly let a bad vibration go, the better that comes along is nothing external, it is all internal, and by the grace of our heavenly Creator you will have a Peace that rest on your shoulders like a Butterfly and you will truly be able to breath deeply and freely :)

So what you have to do is seek for the solace of  True Peace and by doing this (I call it switching gears/changing focus from Hurt to Peace) you will eventually, completely let that torture stake that comes in the form of old pain and hurt fall to ground!! And trust me, you will never pick it up again, because the peace that you will experience, you will never want to let go of  <3

Peace & Precious Love Springflower

Saturday 3 November 2012

Greetings to You,

And welcome to my Blog. My name is Springflower and I am The Peace Love & Happiness Guru!
I set up this blog to help folks to find Peace Love and Happiness in their Everyday life.
I will help you to look at situations in this life with a new set of Eyes
I believe that we can all a have a Satisfying Peaceful life, if we just change our mindset and find the good in any or almost all circumstances.
No this isn't just some hippie mumbo jumbo
(and yes I am a hippie) but this is how I personally live my life, so I speak from hands on experience :)
I am available for consultations or life coaching if you need me <3
You can inbox me on facebook page: or leave a question or comment here.
Peace & Precious Love:~ Springflower